Passing multiple variables to a view? Passing multiple variables to a view? codeigniter codeigniter

Passing multiple variables to a view?

You need to access the variable in your view as you pass it. Using array($var1,$var2); is valid but probably not what you wanted to achieve.


$data = $var1 + $var2;


$data = array_merge($var1, $var2);

instead. See Views for detailed documentation how to access variables passed to a view.

The problem with using array($var1,$var2); is that you will create two view variables: ${0} and ${1} (the array's keys become the variable names, you have two keys in your array: 0 and 1).

Those variable names are invalid labels so you need to enclose the name with {} on the view level.

By that you loose the ability to name the variables usefully.

The easiest thing to do in your controller:

$data['posts'] = $posts;$data['comments'] = $comments;$this->load->view('your_view', $data);

Then, in your view you just simply do something like:

foreach($posts as $post) {...}

You can hold any object in the $data variable that you pass to your view. When I need to traverse through result sets that I get from my models I do it that way.

Using associative array looks the best possible solution.take an array

$data = array(    'posts' => $posts,    'comments' => $comments,);$this->load->view('myview',$data);

Probably this will help you to get a solution.