PHP framework of intermediate complexity, in between CodeIgniter and Yii? PHP framework of intermediate complexity, in between CodeIgniter and Yii? codeigniter codeigniter

PHP framework of intermediate complexity, in between CodeIgniter and Yii?

I am a fan of CakePHP. I feel it has the specs you provided. If you want something more cutting edge you can take a look at Lithium

I have found some resources that kindof solve the problem, because they contain examples (Milan Babuškov's sugestion helped focus on "the solution").

Yii playground - examplesYii cookbook - examplesYii blog tutorial - more examples

PS. there is also google - I find solution (and examples) the fastest this way - ex: implement + pagination + yii

I've used both CI and Yii (on my own projects if that makes any difference). CI was my first introduction to MVC, and I found it easy going because it let me use any crappy structure and code. I wrote two full sites in CI ( and if you want to see complexity.)

I had a look at CakePHP but got NOWHERE.

Then I moved on to Yii and, like you, I found it pretty tough and rigid. But I then found that it was so powerful and extensible that I was so much more efficient. When I needed to add a few new features to the old CI sites, it was faster to rewrite the entire sites on Yii than to code up the extra features in CI.

I can't recommend a framework in the middle, but I can recommend sticking with Yii. When you say Yii gets in the way, can you give an example? Looking at DB stuff (in ascending order of dependence on Yii):

  1. you can code using PHP's core MySQL functions.

    $result = mysql_query($sql);

  2. you can use Yii's DB abstraction layer.


  3. You can use Yii's ActiveRecord:
