Removing link from botdetect captcha in code igniter Removing link from botdetect captcha in code igniter codeigniter codeigniter

Removing link from botdetect captcha in code igniter

add code top site

    <script src=""></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){    $("a[title ~= 'BotDetect']").removeAttr("style");    $("a[title ~= 'BotDetect']").removeAttr("href");    $("a[title ~= 'BotDetect']").css('visibility', 'hidden');});</script>

I had used botdetect captcha for non commercial use,

where I was able to successfully removed the link and title .

Path of file to be modified ,


private static function iqy23{return '';}


public static function GetHelpLinkText($_1qfl5bimwvnl8fd7, $_iitpwcsaaap742gstb7q5) {return '';}

Return blank in above two functions.

Hope it helps someone looking for non commercial use or who is willing to understand the algorithm ,

it is always recommendable to purchase the paid version for commercial use.

Cheers :)

You can make a div over the legend:

<botDetect:captcha id="miCaptcha" userInputID="captchaCode" codeLength="4" imageWidth="150" imageStyle="GRAFFITI2"/><div id="tapa" style="background-color: #ffffd9;height: 10px;width: 150px;position: relative;top: -10px;"></div>