S3 Upload error in Codeigniter S3 Upload error in Codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

S3 Upload error in Codeigniter

Hai I got another solution for uploading file in s3 using CI .Here i share the code .It will helpful for someone in future

code from github : https://github.com/fcosrno/aws-sdk-php-codeigniter

And my code :

$this->load->library('aws_sdk');try{   $aws_object=$this->aws_sdk->saveObject(array(   'Bucket'      => 'mybucket',   'Key'         => 'QA/product/'.$newImagename,   'ACL'         => 'public-read',   'SourceFile'  => $_FILES['productImage']['tmp_name'],   'ContentType' => 'image/jpeg'))->toArray();}catch (Exception $e){  $error = "Something went wrong saving your file.\n".$e;  echo $error;}