Structure CodeIgniter Application Structure CodeIgniter Application codeigniter codeigniter

Structure CodeIgniter Application

I'd like to share my application structure here.

I start with model. I write 1 model for one table in the mysql database. I already have MY_Model class that I put in system/application/libraries/ folder. This class have get_detail, get_list, get_total, get_all, insert, update, and delete method. I store the table name in a var, so basically I just need this code in model to make it worked:

class Some_table_model extends MY_Model {  function Some_table_model()  {    $this->tablename = 'some_table';    $this->primary_key = 'id';  }}

Update: after some more project, I have added new var to hold the column name used for primary key in the table. This way, I will have more flexibility by not hard coded the column name for primary key in MY_Model.

For the controller, I create it according to it's usage by user. Example for a product, I will have this controller:

function Product extends Controller {  function index()  {    //display product list, paginated  }  function admin()  {    //protected by session    //display product list for admin, paginated    //handle POST request to delete a product or products  }  function form()  {    //protected by session    //handle add/edit product for admin  }}

View is related to controller. For above controller, I will have at least 3 view file:


View can be placed in subdir, for example, I can arrange it like this:


If product have category, I will need another table and model for it, but for controller, I can put the page inside Product controllers, by adding category into the function name:

function category_admin(){  //get parameter  //...  //process data  //...  //redirect or load view  //...}function category_form(){  //get parameter  //...  //process data  //...  //redirect or load view  //...}

That's what I do and it's work for me. Hope this help you find a better way to refactor your CodeIgniter's code.

should separate controller. but controller also change the url if you do not use router to alter it.

for Model, i usually map 1 controller to 1 model, if DB cost more than 4 lines.

First of all, model definately needs seperating to something like:

user_model: add_user(); delete_user(); ...products: add_product(); delete_product(); ...transaction: ... ...

you should get the idea.

Controller could do with some seperation as well. My controllers in this scenario would be.

products: add_product(); show_product(); get_product(); ...users:  add_user(); delete_user(); ...

and so on.The reason for repeating same functions in controllers and models is that you can easily change model to access different database/data source and nothing beyond that needs changing.

Besides, there's absolutely no need to load product model when you're adding user for example.