Using a custom library inside of a custom library in codeigniter? Using a custom library inside of a custom library in codeigniter? codeigniter codeigniter

Using a custom library inside of a custom library in codeigniter?

Your CI variable scope is limited to the constructor function at the moment. You can make a class variable that has class scope and will be accessible via $this->variable in all functions within that class.

class MyClass {private $_CI; // make a private class variable here. public function __construct(){    $this->_CI =& get_instance();    $this->_CI->load->library("OtherClass");}public function my_function(){    $this->_CI->otherclass->function_inside_this_class();}

I think you shouldn't use CI. Include the second_library.php and create a new class in first_library.php. Or isn't possible?