Way to tell if a post came from an ajax call in codeigniter? Way to tell if a post came from an ajax call in codeigniter? codeigniter codeigniter

Way to tell if a post came from an ajax call in codeigniter?

Since CodeIgniter 2.0, there is an easier way of checking for an ajax request.

Use: $this->input->is_ajax_request();

Doc: https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/input.html

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest')) {}

But since you are using codeigniter, its better to use their input class . See how to do it below.

 if($this->input->is_ajax_request()){     //Execute Your Code }

you can check it using
