Why do my paypal ipn validations always return INVALID? Why do my paypal ipn validations always return INVALID? codeigniter codeigniter

Why do my paypal ipn validations always return INVALID?

In your CI controller if you have written your code like this:

function paypalipn(){        $this->load->model('subscription');        $this->load->library('paypal', array('sandbox' => true));;        $this->paypal->run();        $fields = $this->paypal->post_fields;        if($this->paypal->verified){            $data = array(                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']            );            $this->subscription->create_payment($data);        $this->load->library('email');        $this->email->to('*******@gmail.com');        $this->email->from('**************');        $this->email->subject('PayPal IPN');        $this->email->message($this->paypal->result."\nAmount: ".$fields['mc_gross']."\nCurrency: ".$fields['mc_currency']."\nUser ID: ".$fields['buyer_id']);        $this->email->send();        }    } 

OR if you have stopped the script in case the if statement failed

if($this->paypal->verified){            $data = array(                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']            );            $this->subscription->create_payment($data);} else {exit("We are sad to inform you that verification FAILED. Bye!");}

you would not receive any email. The issue is in public function run() in your paypal class and this is most probably the failing part.

       if ( !($res = curl_exec($ch)) ) {          curl_close($ch);          die('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');        }        curl_close($ch);       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {               $this->verified = true;                        }

Try re-writing it like this

       $res=curl_exec($ch); // define $res       if($res==null){  // check if $res is null            exit('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');        }       curl_close($ch);       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") === 0) {               $this->verified = true;                       }

Regarding the last 3 lines where strcmp() is used, and based on a user comment in strcmp() documentation.

  • strcmp() will return NULL on failure.
  • This has the side effect of equating to a match when using an equals comparison (==).
  • Instead, you may wish to test matches using the identical comparison (===), which should not catch a NULL return.

What does the above mean? In a small example.

if(null==0) {echo "1";}if(null===0) {echo "2";}

The above example will only output => 1 which in your case that means that if strcmp() fails you will have set verified to true which is not correct.