Accessing Azure blob storage using bash, curl Accessing Azure blob storage using bash, curl curl curl

Accessing Azure blob storage using bash, curl

I was able to get it working.There were two things wrong with this code, the first, as Patrick Park noted, was replacing the echo -n with printf. The second was replacing the sed magic with the -binary option on openssl.

Compare the original:

signature=$(echo -n "$string_to_sign" | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt "hexkey:$decoded_hex_key" -binary | sed 's/^.*= //' | base64 -w0)

with the fixed:

signature=$(printf "$string_to_sign" | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt "hexkey:$decoded_hex_key" -binary |  base64 -w0)

The echo change is needed because echo -n will not convert the \n into actual newlines.

The -binary change is needed because even though you are stripping off the bad part, openssl was still outputting the signature in ascii-encoded-hex, not in binary. So after it was passed to base64, the result was the b64 encoded version of the hex representation, instead of the raw value.

Use Fiddler (or an equivalent on your platform) to intercept the call to Windows Azure Storage. On failure, this will show you the string that the Storage Service used to authenticate the call and you can compare this with the one you used.

Looking at the REST API documentation and your code above, I believe there's an issue with the way you're constructing canonicalized_resource string. You're missing the query parameters in that string. Your canonicalized_resource string should be:
