Activation Curl on EasyPHP Activation Curl on EasyPHP curl curl

Activation Curl on EasyPHP

This as, Anar Hariyev states, works:

100% working solution, I won this problem!

1) Copy libssh2.dll from php directory to Windows/system directory

2) In php.ini #zend_extension remove (;) front row ;extension=php_curl.dll

3) Restart Apache server.

However, you can copy libssh2.dll into Apache's bin folder as opposed into the Windows System directory. This keeps the server portable.

100% working solution, i won this problem!

1) Copy libssh2.dll from php directory to Windows/system directory

2) In php.ini #zend_extension remove (;) front row ;extension=php_curl.dll

3) Restart Apache server.

The Solution was to copy the files from the php directory:

  • libeay32.dll
  • libsasl.dll
  • ssleay32.dll

to "C:\Windows\System"