Apache behind corporate proxy Apache behind corporate proxy curl curl

Apache behind corporate proxy

You're saying you want this functionality on WAMP, for your development computer only, right? The SDK's work without modification in production, so you can just take advantage of your Window's Host file to redirect requests.

Here's a walkthrough.

I think you can do it through proxy tools like Proxifier(http://www.proxifier.com).

AFAIK, they can capture traffic from selected applications and redirect to a proxy automatically.

Not a perfect solution but should be useful on dev machine.

After reading this article I was about to throw in the towel, but there is actually an easy solutiuon. I had to play with windows environment variable, at the end setting a system variable to https_proxy=https://localhost:3128 worked! Before it was not working because I was setting it to Run the command

reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" | find /i "proxyserver"

then copy/paste the answer in the system variable and now it's working!!