C# HttpClient broken pipe, but curl works C# HttpClient broken pipe, but curl works curl curl

C# HttpClient broken pipe, but curl works

I get a similar error when trying to push nuget package to GitHub Package Registry using dotnet nuget push command from an ubuntu build agent in AWS Code Build. I push multiple nuget packages and this error only sporadically (90% of the time) occurs on the largest one (~5MB).

error: Error while copying content to a stream.error:   Unable to read data from the transport connection: Broken pipe.error:   Broken pipe

I am using dotnet sdk 2.2.

I could not find any useful information on this error anywhere, but this article gave me some food for thoughts https://support.sonatype.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000228868-Artifact-uploads-fail-with-broken-pipe-errors