Check if File Exists on Amazon s3 Signed URL Check if File Exists on Amazon s3 Signed URL curl curl

Check if File Exists on Amazon s3 Signed URL

When using CURLOPT_NOBODY, libcurl sends an HTTP HEAD request, not a GET request.

...the string to be signed is formed by appending the REST verb, content-md5 value, content-type value, expires parameter value, canonicalized x-amz headers (see recipe below), and the resource; all separated by newlines.

The "REST verb" -- e.g., GET vs HEAD -- must be consistent between the signature you generate, and the request that make, so a signature that is valid for GET will not be valid for HEAD and vice versa.

You will need to sign a HEAD request instead of a GET request in order to validate a file in this way.

You can check by the header part.

$full_url = '';$file_headers = @get_headers($full_url);if($file_headers && strpos($file_headers[0], '200 OK')){    // enter code here}

Or If you are using AWS S3 then you can also use this one.

if(!class_exists('S3')){    require('../includes/s3/S3.php');}S3::setAuth(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey);$info = S3::getObjectInfo($bucketName, $s3_furl);// check for $info value and apply your condition.