Client certificate works in curl but not in Python Client certificate works in curl but not in Python curl curl

Client certificate works in curl but not in Python

A comment on this answer helped me figure this out.

Update your code as such:

import requestscert_file_path = "file.crt.pem"key_file_path = "file.key.pem"cert = (cert_file_path, key_file_path)url = 'https://server.url'r =, cert=cert, verify="path/to/ca_public_keys.pem") # replace with your file

I'm assuming you're using a self-signed certificate, so you need to specify the .pem file containing the public certificates of the CA that issued your self-signed certificate. Make sure to include the intermediate certificates, otherwise the requests library will throw the tlsv1 alert unknown ca error.

You can check the issuer of your client certificate by typing openssl x509 -noout -in file.crt.pem -issuer in a terminal.

Request module checks environmental variable REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE for cert file. So just do this

export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/absolute/path/to/your/file.crt.pem

Your python code will simply be:

import requestsurl = 'https://server.url'r =