Convert solr curl updateJSON syntax to python using urllib2 Convert solr curl updateJSON syntax to python using urllib2 curl curl

Convert solr curl updateJSON syntax to python using urllib2

I would try

import urllib2with open('books.json', 'rb') as data_file:    my_data = = urllib2.Request(url='http://localhost:8983/solr/update/json?commit=true',                      data=my_data)req.add_header('Content-type', 'application/json')f = urllib2.urlopen(req)# Begin using data like the followingprint

From this you can see that the --data-binary parameter is just data sent to the server like in a POST request. When that parameter begins with the @ sign, it means to read data from a file. In this case, it's the file 'books.json'. You also need to send the header (the -H parameter of curl). So you only need to call the add_header method with the header name and its value.

Hope that gets you started. More info about urllib2 can be found at

Because urllib2 is not available in Python 3.x I offer this alternative.This code snippet worked for me using Python 3.3 and the excellent requests library

 import requests def postXml(host, xmlFile):     url = "http://%s:8983/solr/update" % host     headers = {"content-type" : "text/xml" }     params = {"commit" : "false" }     payload = open(xmlFile, "rb").read()     r =, data=payload, params=params,  headers=headers)     print("got back: %s" % r.text)