couchdb how to list all users on db? couchdb how to list all users on db? curl curl

couchdb how to list all users on db?

curl gets all users as documents, grep extracts documents _id, sed strips org.couchdb.user: prefix and sort removes duplicates that comes from view result:

curl -s http://localhost:5984/_users/_all_docs | grep -o 'org.couchdb.user:[[:alnum:]]\+' | sed -n -e 's/org.couchdb.user:\(.*\)/\1/p' | sort -u

Note, that since 1.2.0 release if you had fixed Admin Party on server, you need to pass CouchDB admin credentials to make such requests for _users database.

Use _all_docs, the following command lists all docs info of a specific database, just specify database name then you are done:

curl -X GET http://localhost:5984/<db_name>/_all_docs

Then replace <db_name> with _users, and use port 5986 since _users is a system table under port 5986:

curl -X GET http://localhost:5986/_users/_all_docs