curl ca-cert error installing Meteor on Mac curl ca-cert error installing Meteor on Mac curl curl

curl ca-cert error installing Meteor on Mac

I had the same issue.It seems to be due the Anaconda-specific curl executable.

What I simply did was to let the curl in /usr/bin be the first choice to the meteor installer.You can do that by doing:

  $ export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH  $ curl | sh

If you need again Anaconda python to be first, close the terminal and open it again.


First save the script using following command.

curl -k "" > meteor.shvi

Add -k to curl in following line to turn off curl's verification of the certificate in the script.

curl -k --progress-bar --fail "$TARBALL_URL" | tar -xzf - -C "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"

Than Run following command.


Changing from https to http in line 63 :TARBALL_URL="${PLATFORM}.tar.gz" will do.