cURL with the real server IP while using CloudFlare cURL with the real server IP while using CloudFlare curl curl

cURL with the real server IP while using CloudFlare

yeah well, if is going through CF's proxy, then you could connect directly to the server, and probably just fake the host header. as of PHP 7.0.7, this can be done as

curl_setopt_array($ch,array(CURLOPT_URL=>'',//to set the host CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO=>'::'));- but replace :80 with :443 if you're connecting with httpS

and replace with the real server's IP (not the cloudflare IP)

or if you're not on PHP 7.0.7+ yet, in older versions, you can do

curl_setopt_array($ch,array(CURLOPT_URL=>'',CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER=>array('Host:')));(again, replace with the real server's IP, not the cloudflare IP)to set the host header manually. im not sure that will work properly with http Location redirects and CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, though, so you might have to handle Location http redirects manually