DotNet core 2.0 on MacOS gets libcurl and ssl error triggered by httpclient when using couchbase dotnet sdk DotNet core 2.0 on MacOS gets libcurl and ssl error triggered by httpclient when using couchbase dotnet sdk curl curl

DotNet core 2.0 on MacOS gets libcurl and ssl error triggered by httpclient when using couchbase dotnet sdk

Steps to Use Socket HTTP Handler

Here's what I needed to do to get this to work:

  • Install .NET Core SDK
  • Update Project AspNetCore.All Reference
  • Add Package Source to NuGet.Config
  • Set Environment Variable

Install .NET Core SDK []

Download and install macOs installer

Update Project AspNetCore.All Reference

Update package reference to:

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.All" Version="2.1.0-preview1-final" />

Add Package Source to NuGet.Config

Update ~/.nuget/NuGet/NuGet.Config and add another package source:

<add key="dotnet-core" value="" />

I needed to do this because I was getting a NuGet error:error NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.AspNetCore.All with version (>= 2.1.0).

Set Environment Variable

In my Startup.cs I set an environment variable:

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_HTTP_USESOCKETSHTTPHANDLER", "true");

What We're Doing

With 2.1 dotnet will incorporate its own Socket Handler which bypasses OS specific ones and so we can avoid the macOS issues. In preview-1 we still have to manually opt-in:

But soon in preview-2 it'll be on by default:

Previous post

I've been investigating the same issue this morning and I currently don't think there's a clear solution. Dotnet Core 2.x does not resolve the issue for the Couchbase SDK, though I think using HttpClient outside of Couchbase is fine (haven't tested this).

As of Couchbase SDK Version 2.5.8 (17 March 2018) this is still a known issue:

Actual issue link:

In the forums, see:

I'll post back if I find a working solution.