Download File in R with POST while sending data Download File in R with POST while sending data curl curl

Download File in R with POST while sending data

So you should use a right URL and encode = "form" in the httr::POST().

httr solution based on the @leo answer:

library(httr)POST("",     body = list(productView = "ishares", portfolios = "239561-239855"),     encode = "form", write_disk("/tmp/ishares-us-etf.xls"))#> Response []#>   Date: 2016-02-08 06:52#>   Status: 200#>   Content-Type: application/;charset=UTF-8#>   Size: 13.6 kB#> <ON DISK>  /tmp/ishares-us-etf.xlshead(readLines(file_path), 5)#>   [1] "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"#>   [2] "<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\">"#>   [3] "<Styles>"                          #>   [4] "<Style ss:ID=\"Default\">"#>   [5] "<Alignment Horizontal=\"Left\"/>"

After findling a bit around with Fiddler I found out that I need to send the data with postfields and then everything works fine.

library("curl")handle <- new_handle()handle_setopt(handle, customrequest = "POST")handle_setopt(handle, postfields='productView=ishares&portfolios=239561-239855')curl_download("", "./data/ishares-us-etf.xls", handle=handle)

will this not do the job?

URL <- ""values <- list(productView="ishares", portfolios="239561-239855")POST(URL, body = values)r <- GET(URL, query = values)x <- content(r)