Facebook is throwing "Please specify an image to run with this ad." when trying to create an Ad Facebook is throwing "Please specify an image to run with this ad." when trying to create an Ad curl curl

Facebook is throwing "Please specify an image to run with this ad." when trying to create an Ad

I have the exact same issue. Found a workaround but it's not good enough for me since it needs a FB post or page to work. But maybe it's good enough for you. Possible workaround is to user object_story_spec like so:

await account.createAdCreative([], {  name: "API TESTING",  object_story_spec: {    page_id: "34533453534534",    link_data: {      image_hash: adImageHash,      link: "yourlinkhere.com"    }  },  body: adData.Body,  appsecret_proof});