Google OAuth invalid_grant / Bad Request - Solution in description Google OAuth invalid_grant / Bad Request - Solution in description curl curl

Google OAuth invalid_grant / Bad Request - Solution in description

While generating the code, please don't write access_type = 'offline'

Generate code using postman:API:

  1. client_id = 'Your Client ID'
  2. response_type = 'code'
  3. scope = ''
  4. redirect_uri = 'Your URL like my is:'

Using this you will get the code then call API with the same parameter that you are using for curl.

How I resolved this issue is by encoding the redirect_uri.

I used something as follows within postman:

redirect_uri = https%3A//

To avoid issues a copy as the example that google offers and change the parameters to my own.

This for the code: scope=https%3A// access_type=offline& include_granted_scopes=true& response_type=code& state=state_parameter_passthrough_value& redirect_uri=https%3A// client_id=client_id

And this for the access_token:

POST /token HTTP/1.1Host: oauth2.googleapis.comContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedcode=4/P7q7W91a-oMsCeLvIaQm6bTrgtp7&client_id=your_client_id&client_secret=your_client_secret&redirect_uri=https%3A//

Hope it works for you!