Guzzle returns cURL error 3: <url> malformed Guzzle returns cURL error 3: <url> malformed curl curl

Guzzle returns cURL error 3: <url> malformed

In case you came here because you googled "Guzzle returns cURL error 3: malformed" check the client parameter. In some version it's base_uri and other base_url

    $client = new Client([        'base_uri' => 'http://localhost:8000',  // <-- base_uri instead of base_url    ]);

If you want to disable verification (don't do this!):

$response = $client->get('', ['verify' => false]);

Rather than disabling verification entirely, this can likely be fixed by providing proper CA bundle file. See verify in Guzzle documentation.

$client->setDefaultOption(    'verify',     'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\curl-ca-bundle.crt');

You should not have this call:

$client->get('/', ['verify' => true]);

That is what is throwing the error. The third line is okay.

The error is means what it says. The url is malformed. In my case on initialization of the Client, I used base_url instead of base_uri. So if you run into this error make sure your url is properly specified.