How to access stdclass object after a specific key value pair? How to access stdclass object after a specific key value pair? curl curl

How to access stdclass object after a specific key value pair?

there are serveral ways to turn it to array:

First Solution:

$value = get_object_vars($object);

Second Solution:

$value = (array) $object;

Third Solution

$value = json_decode(json_encode($object), true);

to get value of converted array

echo $value['values']['0']['id'];

The alternate way to access objects var without convert the object, try


Expanding (or rather minimalizing) upon answer by Somwang Souksavatd, I like accessing Object values like this:

echo get_object_vars($object)['values']['0']['id'];

I had the same issue, still not so sure why but I was able to get it working using this workaround:

$k2 ="1";$elements = json_decode('{"id":"1","name":"User1"}');//$elements['id'] == $k2;  //****Not Working$tmp  = (object)$elements;$tmp = $tmp ->id;          //****Working//$tmp =$elements['id'] ;  //****Not Workingreturn $tmp == $k2;

I have to say that sometimes accessing the element as array works and some times not,(On PHP7 it worked for me but on PHP5.6 it didn't).

$elements can be Array to but I chose to demonstrate with json string.

I hope this helps somehow !!!