How to call a REST Web API for access token with these cURL commands - in C# How to call a REST Web API for access token with these cURL commands - in C# curl curl

How to call a REST Web API for access token with these cURL commands - in C#

I've had success with RestSharp. Using a raw HttpClent seems like a waste when so many good libraries exist.

If you are planning on using curl for many different tasks, instead of rewriting the tool. Just download the windows compatible version and embed it as a resource in your console application.

Windows (32 bit) version of curl.exe -

Edit - Something like this:

Process p = new Process();p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;p.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\CURL\curl.exe";p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i -L -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'client_id=APP-GWTDOE3CX89FH7FD' -d 'client_secret=5160c539-4ec9-4e8c-8966-580df68b494f' -d 'scope=/read-public' -d 'grant_type=client_credentials' ''";           p.Start();string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();p.WaitForExit();Console.WriteLine(output);