How to fix 400 error in file uploading on flask server from android app How to fix 400 error in file uploading on flask server from android app curl curl

How to fix 400 error in file uploading on flask server from android app

Flask throws a 400 Bad Request when it can't access a key in the request. My guess (just by looking at the code) is that you're trying to pull out request.files['filedata'] but it doesn't exist in the Java request.

However it does in the curl request -F filedata.

Try taking a look at this: Http POST in Java (with file upload). It shows an example of how to add a part to your form upload using HttpClient and HttpPost.

According to this post you may need to add the encoding type of "multipart/form-data" as well.

tl;dr - Flask is looking for a filedata key in the request dict, you're not sending one.