How to skip already existing files when downloading with curl? How to skip already existing files when downloading with curl? curl curl

How to skip already existing files when downloading with curl?

You could just put your call to curl inside an if block:

if ! [ -f /home/$outputfile ]; then  curl -o /home/$outputfile "url"fi

Also note that in your example, you've got $url inside single quotes, which won't do what you want. Compare:

echo '$HOME'


echo "$HOME"

Also, curl has a --silent option that can be useful in scripts.

You can use curl option -C -. This option is used to resume a broken download, but will skip the download if the file is already complete. Note that the argument to -C is a single dash. A disadvantage might be that curl still briefly contacts the remote server to ask for the file size.

Use wget with --no-clobber instead:

-nc, --no-clobber: skip downloads that would download to existing files.


wget -nc -q -O "/home/$outputfile" "$url"