How to upload to FTP from Travis CI How to upload to FTP from Travis CI curl curl

How to upload to FTP from Travis CI

The Travis doc says only that you should do this kind of stuffs in the after_success: section. The specified command is just an example.

So, do what you want from your computer, then put the sequence of commands that you used in the after_success: section.

In your case, creating an archive (with tar) and then uploading it (with curl or directly with ftp) should work, if I correctly understood your needs.

  1. Use the find command to add everything except for specific folders.
  2. Add the environment variables SFTP_USER and SFTP_PASSWORD in the Settings menu.

This is my yml:

language: node_jsafter_success:- find . -type d \( -path "./.*" -o -path "./node_modules" \) -prune -o -name "*" -print -exec curl --ftp-create-dirs -T {} --user ${SFTP_USER}:${SFTP_PASSWORD} \;

Sometimes the below link will help. Its about FTP deployment in node_js app.

Travis build with nodejs en custom ftp