How to use libCURL on Qt Creator with MSVC2012 as Compiler How to use libCURL on Qt Creator with MSVC2012 as Compiler curl curl

How to use libCURL on Qt Creator with MSVC2012 as Compiler

This may not be an answer to your question, but I would recommend using QNetworkAccessManager class instead of libcurl. You can do almost anything with this class which you can do using libcurl. Your code will be simpler and more cleaner. Some famous full featured Qt based download managers use this class.

Well I could tell how am I using libCurl in QT. If somone came across this question again.But I use mingw version, so it might be different.

In .pro file:

INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\pagep\QT\curl-7.31.0-devel-mingw32\includeLIBS += C:\Users\pagep\QT\curl-7.31.0-devel-mingw32\lib\libcurldll.a

And in "debug" folder (folder where the program is executed) I added .dll files from folder curl-7.31.0-devel-mingw32\bin


Well it's probably not the best solution but it works for me. :)