Is it possible to set android version code and name via a Gradle task? Is it possible to set android version code and name via a Gradle task? curl curl

Is it possible to set android version code and name via a Gradle task?

You can create methods to update the versionCode and versionName from the command line:

def getMyVersionCode = { ->    def code = project.hasProperty('versionCode') ? versionCode.toInteger() : -1    println "VersionCode is set to $code"    return code}def getMyVersionName = { ->    def name = project.hasProperty('versionName') ? versionName : "1.0"    println "VersionName is set to $name"    return name}

Then in the android block:

defaultConfig {        applicationId ""        minSdkVersion 15        targetSdkVersion 23        versionCode getMyVersionCode()        versionName getMyVersionName()        archivesBaseName = "YourApp-${android.defaultConfig.versionName}"    }

Then you can just call any task really:

./gradlew assembleDebug -PversionCode=483 -PversionName=4.0.3

Read more about it here:

I found a clean way that is compatible with CI tools (without edit your code):

./gradlew assembleDebug -Pandroid.injected.version.code=1234

there are more params here for other things like signing:

For GitLab CI:

I use this command for a debug version:

./gradlew assembleDebug -Pandroid.injected.version.code=$CI_PIPELINE_IID$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA

You can echo $CI_PIPELINE_IID if you want to know its number. It increases every time you run a new pipeline for your project.

And for a release version:

./gradlew assembleRelease$SIGNING_STORE_FILE$SIGNING_STORE_PASSWORD -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.alias=$SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.password=$SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD -Pandroid.injected.signing.v1-enabled=true -Pandroid.injected.signing.v2-enabled=true -Pandroid.injected.version.code=$CI_PIPELINE_IID$CI_COMMIT_TAG

Note: first 4 env vars are set in my project variables and are not internal gitlab ci variables!