LibXMLError XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document LibXMLError XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document curl curl

LibXMLError XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

From the image and code in the question is seems like what you have in your document is this:

<xmp>  <?xml version="1.0"?>  <workout>

That is, the root element of the document you’re feeding to simplexml_load_string is <xmp>, not <workout>. So LibXML starts parsing that document from the <xmp> element, then hits the <?xml version="1.0"?> and says, Hey that’s an XML declaration—that shouldn’t be here.

To prevent the XML declaration from getting added, you can replace your $xml->saveXML() with:

foreach ($xml->childNodes as $node) {   echo $xml->saveXML($node);}

Or see some of the other answers for the questions PHP DomDocument output without <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> and remove xml version tag when a xml is created in php.

The idea is just that instead of outputting the whole thing as a document, your code instead iterates through all nodes of the document starting with the root and outputs them one-by-one in order.

So because you’re outputting individual nodes that way instead of the whole document as a document, that skips the unwanted XML declaration at the beginning for the document.

An alternative that may also work is, make saveXML(…) only emit the document element (root):


If it works, it’ll emit your workout element and all its descendants, skipping the XML declaration.