Little Issue about curl? Little Issue about curl? curl curl

Little Issue about curl?

You should try curl_getinfo($curl) after exec to see what response the server gives you.

The link should be

$link = '';

The form has 2 more hidden fields

<input type="hidden" name="Page" id="Page" value="/PasserAnnonce.asp"><input type="hidden" name="sQueryString" value="" id="sQueryString">

Always return what is said, not expected

<input type="checkbox" name="chk_session_open" id="chk_session_open" value="1">


'chk_session_open' => '1','chk_save_loginpwd' => '1'

The login button has javascript, so check what happens in the function

<img style="CURSOR:pointer" onclick="Login_OnClick();" src="/images/b_valider.gif" width="67" height="18" border="0" alt="">

So, with these you should check where your problem is from. Note: you should practicall replicate everything they do during there login process.