Mailchimp api 3.0 error: "Schema describes object, array found instead" is the code or on mailchimp's end? Mailchimp api 3.0 error: "Schema describes object, array found instead" is the code or on mailchimp's end? curl curl

Mailchimp api 3.0 error: "Schema describes object, array found instead" is the code or on mailchimp's end?

I had a similar error.Hope it's still relevant for future users.

The main problem is the mailchimp documentation.

$operations = [];foreach ($customers as $customer){    if ($customer->hasEmail())    {        $operations['operations'][] = (object) [            'method'        => 'post',            'path'          => '/lists/' . $settings['list_id'] . '/members',            'body' => json_encode([                'email_address' => $customer->email,                'status'        => 'subscribed',                'merge_fields' => (object) [],            ])        ];    }}try{    $response = $mailchimp->batches->start($operations);    print_r($response);}catch (\Exception $e){    // var_dump($e->getMessage());    print_r($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents());}

I had a similar issue, the message was "Schema describes string, boolean found instead". It seems that json_encode() has a problem with special characters

I solved it using this code, maybe it will work for you:utf8_encode($row['FNAME']) or you could try using (string). I hope this can help somebody. I used POST instead of PUTExample:

                        $stringData =  array(                            'apikey'        => $api_key,                            'email_address' => $row['email'],                            'status'        => 'subscribed',                            'merge_fields'  =>  array(                                'FNAME'     =>  utf8_encode($row['FNAME']),                                'LNAME'     =>  utf8_encode($row['LNAME'])                            )                        );