Multiple file upload using php Curl Multiple file upload using php Curl curl curl

Multiple file upload using php Curl

I managed to fix it by changing the out of the photos to be like this:

'photos[0]' =>         object(CURLFile)[36]          public 'name' => string 'D:\xampp\tmp\phpC6CE.tmp' (length=24)          public 'mime' => string '' (length=0)          public 'postname' => string '2584150-1486688827928-funnyprofile.jpg' (length=38)'photos[1]' =>         object(CURLFile)[37]          public 'name' => string 'D:\xampp\tmp\phpC6CF.tmp' (length=24)          public 'mime' => string '' (length=0)          public 'postname' => string '5993755201548256265.jpg' (length=23)'photos[2]' =>         object(CURLFile)[38]          public 'name' => string 'D:\xampp\tmp\phpC6D0.tmp' (length=24)          public 'mime' => string '' (length=0)          public 'postname' => string 'dummy-image1.jpg' (length=16)'photos[3]' =>         object(CURLFile)[39]          public 'name' => string 'D:\xampp\tmp\phpC6E0.tmp' (length=24)          public 'mime' => string '' (length=0)          public 'postname' => string 'head-659652_640.png' (length=19)