Putting the results of grep & cut in a variable in a bash script Putting the results of grep & cut in a variable in a bash script curl curl

Putting the results of grep & cut in a variable in a bash script

Here is a working version of your code with the changes commented as to why they were made.

#!/bin/bashfunction latest_file_name {    local url="http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz"    curl -s --head $url | # Add -s to remove progress information    # This is the proper place to remove the carridge return.    # There is a program called dos2unix that can be used as well.    tr -d '\r'          | #dos2unix    # You can combine the grep and cut as follows    awk -F '=' '/^Content-Disposition/ {print $2}'}function main {    local file_name=$(latest_file_name)    # [[ uses bash builtin test functionality and is faster.    if [[ -e "$file_name" ]]; then        echo "File $file_name does already exist!"    else        echo "There is no file named $file_name in this folder!"    fi}main