rapid JSON fails with Assertion `IsObject()' failed rapid JSON fails with Assertion `IsObject()' failed curl curl

rapid JSON fails with Assertion `IsObject()' failed

Your JSON string is array. So if you check IsObject() it failed. Take a careful look at the JSON string, you will find that what you care is in [], which show that it is an array.

Take from JSON official site:

An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).

Try the following code:

string str_json = "[{\"Node\":\"9478149a08f9\",\"Address\":\"\",\"ServiceID\":\"HSS\",\"ServiceName\":\"HSS\",\"ServiceTags\":[],\"ServiceAddress\":\"\",\"ServicePort\":6666,\"ServiceEnableTagOverride\":false,\"CreateIndex\":2855,\"ModifyIndex\":2855}]";rapidjson::Document doc;doc.Parse(str_json.c_str());//assert(doc.IsObject());if(doc.IsArray()){    cout << "is array" << endl;}for(Value::ConstValueIterator itr = doc.Begin(); itr != doc.End(); ++itr){    const Value& obj = *itr;    for(Value::ConstMemberIterator it = obj.MemberBegin(); it != obj.MemberEnd(); ++it){        if(it->value.IsString()){            cout << it->name.GetString() << ": " << it->value.GetString() << endl;        }        // other codes...    }}