Simple fopen request not working with specific rss feed Simple fopen request not working with specific rss feed curl curl

Simple fopen request not working with specific rss feed

The error message says this is a network problem, not an application level one (i.e. not PHP/curl etc.). As I can not access this URL either, this is likely the remote server/server's network provider issue, not your shared server.

Why is it working for you local server? Two options: by some chance there is internet routing between you and; or you have an entry for that hostname in your hosts file which resolves to a correct IP address.

the connection timeout indicates that its not a problem with your app or php, much more likley with your environment. are there any firewalls, proxies, etc. which could block your request?

try a plain curl request from your commandline:

$ curl

and see if you have any problems.