Ubuntu 18, VPN and DNS: curl wont resolve VPN-host, but nslookup and dig can Ubuntu 18, VPN and DNS: curl wont resolve VPN-host, but nslookup and dig can curl curl

Ubuntu 18, VPN and DNS: curl wont resolve VPN-host, but nslookup and dig can

To answer my own question: I digged a bit deeper and learned a bit about avahi, nscd, systemd-resolve and the magic of nsswitch. So apparently the problem was this line in my /etc/nsswitch.conf:

hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns myhostname

I missed that readme from update-systemd-resolved actually recommended changing this line. So i changed it to

hosts:          files dns resolve myhostname

Et VoilĂ , now curl can reach the host:

$ getent ahosts pritunl-ui.infra.svc.cluster.local10.15.246.61    STREAM pritunl-ui.infra.svc.cluster.local10.15.246.61    DGRAM    RAW    

I also tried to just remove the [NOTFOUND=return] part, and that seems to have the same effect, it also works. Maybe it says something like "if mdns fails, stop here and ignore the rest"..? Which would be a very odd strategy i think.