"Unexpected token in JSON at position 0" using JSON.parse in Node with valid JSON "Unexpected token in JSON at position 0" using JSON.parse in Node with valid JSON curl curl

"Unexpected token in JSON at position 0" using JSON.parse in Node with valid JSON

It appears api.511.org is applying gzip to any api calls that supply a valid api_key. Also it's returning an invalid first character in the json response.

Here is a workaround:

var request = require('request');var apiUrl = 'http://api.511.org/transit/vehiclemonitoring?api_key=${API_KEYS.API_KEY_511}&format=json&agency=sf-muni';//apiUrl = 'http://ip.jsontest.com/';var response = request({    method: 'GET',    uri: apiUrl,    gzip: true}, function(error, response, body) {    //* workaround for issue with this particular apiUrl    var firstChar = body.substring(0, 1);    var firstCharCode = body.charCodeAt(0);    if (firstCharCode == 65279) {        console.log('First character "' + firstChar + '" (character code: ' + firstCharCode + ') is invalid so removing it.');        body = body.substring(1);    }    //*/    var parsedJson = JSON.parse(body);    console.log('parsedJson: ', parsedJson);});