Using cURL in Android Using cURL in Android curl curl

Using cURL in Android

I'm on a similar quest! I'm working on an app right now that requires cURL and just tonight in my search I came across your post here, and what I believe to be the answer:

Unlike the link you referenced, there are several follow-up comments from other people who claim to have success also following the instructions. If you manage to get it compiled before me, and wouldn't mind sending me the library, post a follow up here! (I'm pretty new to stack overflow so I don't know if you can pm.) Hope this works out for both of us!

It seems that there are projects on github that automated both openssl and libcurl for NDK build:

Going to use those in my own app, so I can have single library to deal with backend communication for both iOS and Android...

After check all possibles post about this, I finally got a good compilation using a Linux x64 machine and Curl version 7.37.0 at path ${android-ndk-r10}.

Maybe this steps can help you:

${android-ndk-r10}/build/tools/ --platform=android-15 --arch=armv7-a --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 --install-dir=./tmp/android-15

export CC="${android-ndk-r10}/external/curl/tmp/android-15/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"

./configure --host=arm-linux --enable-cross-compile --enable-threaded-resolver --disable-shared --disable-ftp --disable-file --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --disable-rtsp --disable-dict --disable-telnet --disable-tftp --disable-pop3 --disable-imap --disable-smtp --disable-gopher --disable-manual --enable-proxy --enable-ipv6 --enable-cookies --enable-symbol-hiding --disable-versioned-symbols --disable-soname-bump --disable-sspi --disable-ntlm-wb --prefix=${android-ndk-r10}/external/curl/build/curl-7.37.0

make -j4

make install

You will get a build version at ${android-ndk-r10}/external/curl/build/curl-7.37.0.

If you are using a 64bits machine to compile, maybe 2 defines are bad, and you get this error:

error: size of array '__curl_rule_01__' is negative

I solve redefining the variables in file ${CurlbuildAndroid}/include/curl/curlbuild.h (Its dangerous to do this, but it worked!):