Using Curl in Batch to control HTML elements [closed] Using Curl in Batch to control HTML elements [closed] curl curl

Using Curl in Batch to control HTML elements [closed]

You should extract the stream by another tool in my case i can extract with IDM : Internet Downloader Manager

And you can write it with a batch file that use a vbscript to play the stream :

@echo offTitle Welcome to the world of the musicMode 50,3 & color 9Eecho(echo        Welcome to the world of the musicRem Just change this variable MusciPathSet MusicPath= :Play "%MusicPath%"Pause>nul & Exit::---------------------------------------------------------------:PlaySet "VBS_MUSIC=%temp%\SWR1_Radio.vbs"(    echo Play "%~1"    echo Sub Play(MusicPath^)    echo    Dim Sound    echo    Set Sound = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX"^)    echo    Sound.URL = MusicPath    echo    Sound.settings.volume = 100    echo    echo    While Sound.playState ^<^> 1    echo        WScript.Sleep 100    echo    Wend    echo End Sub)>"%VBS_MUSIC%"Cscript //NoLogo "%VBS_MUSIC%"exit /b::---------------------------------------------------------------