What Steps do you Take to Troubleshoot Problems with PHP cURL? What Steps do you Take to Troubleshoot Problems with PHP cURL? curl curl

What Steps do you Take to Troubleshoot Problems with PHP cURL?

I find the CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT option to be very useful.

<?php$curl = curl_init('http://www.php.net');curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'dbg_curl_data');curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 'dbg_curl_data');curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);curl_exec($curl);echo '<fieldset><legend>request headers</legend>  <pre>', htmlspecialchars(curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT)), '</pre></fieldset>';echo '<fieldset><legend>response</legend>  <pre>', htmlspecialchars(dbg_curl_data(null)), '</pre></fieldset>';function dbg_curl_data($curl, $data=null) {  static $buffer = '';  if ( is_null($curl) ) {    $r = $buffer;    $buffer = '';    return $r;  }  else {    $buffer .= $data;    return strlen($data);  }}

Actually, I never use CURL (in php). The PHP stream api is much neater, and can be used to POST data as well. Wez Furlong has an article about this.

If I were to use it? I'd start with turning on all messages (setting error reporting to E_ALL). If I find that PHP doesn't tell me what I need in the error messages, I'd probably use a proxy approach to see what's actually going on. Changing the target url to a local php page containing something like


is one way. Another way is to use a utility like netcat to listen on port 80 and send the request there:

netcat -l -p 80

This won't return anything to curl, but it will allow you to see exactly what is sent the server, which might be enough to diagnose the problem.

You can also retrieve the headers from PHP using the apache_request_headers() function. In most cases I prefer the netcat approach, though, since it guarantees that I see the unmodified truth, and also display the raw post data.