Add progress bar in flutter when open pdf file from url Add progress bar in flutter when open pdf file from url dart dart

Add progress bar in flutter when open pdf file from url

I have an app with the same feature, I used Dio this package supports downloading a file to your phone.

All you need to do is

Dio dio = Dio();"*YOUR URL WHERE YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD A FILE*",      "*YOUR DESTINATION PATH*", onReceiveProgress: (rec, total) {          print("Downloading " + ((rec / total) * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + "%");      });

Never used this for pdf, but I've tried it for NetworkImage().Not sure if it'll help. But you can just try it if there's a way to use loadingBuilder in your code.  imageUrl,  fit: BoxFit.cover,  loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context, Widget child,      ImageChunkEvent loadingProgress) {    if (loadingProgress == null)      return child;    else {      return Center(        child: CircularProgressIndicator(          value: loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes != null              ? loadingProgress.cumulativeBytesLoaded /                  loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes              : null,        ),      );    }  },);

u can use flutter_cached_pdfview

and this an example to view a pdf from URL and cache it with placeholder
u can replace placeholder with any widget like CircularProgressIndicator
         PDF().cachedFromUrl(          '',            placeholder: (progress) => Center(child: Text('$progress %'))             )

take a look