AES Encryption in dart 2 AES Encryption in dart 2 dart dart

AES Encryption in dart 2

AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits, So you can try to use Salsa20 instead

For anyone coming here now, I wrote a custom package based off PointyCastle and written entirely in Dart which can greatly simplify AES for you.

It looks something like this implemented:

var fortunaKey = CryptKey().genFortuna(); //generate 32 byte key with Fortuna; you can also enter your ownvar nonce = CryptKey().genDart(len: 12); //generate IV for AES with Dart; you can also enter your ownvar aesEncrypter = AesCrypt(key: fortunaKey, padding: PaddingAES.pkcs7); //generate AES encrypter with key and PKCS7 paddingString encrypted = aesEncrypter.gcm.encrypt(inp: 'somedatahere', iv: nonce); //encrypt using GCMString decrypted = aesEncrypter.gcm.decrypt(inp: encrypted, iv: nonce); //decrypt

This solves any issues with block size that may have occurred earlier.

try to use the cipher2 plugin for AES encrytion and decrytion


this package support the following AES modes for both ios and android now

  • 128bit cbc padding 7
  • 128bit gcm

and will be continue updating and refactoring

Sample and test case for how to use it:

AES 128bit cbc encrytion and description sample code

try {      // encrytion      encryptedString = await Cipher2.encryptAesCbc128Padding7(plainText, key, iv);      // decrytion      //encryptedString = "hello";      decryptedString = await Cipher2.decryptAesCbc128Padding7(encryptedString, key, iv);    } on PlatformException catch(e) {      encryptedString = "";      decryptedString = "";      print("exception code: " + e.code);      print("exception message: " + e.message);    }