AngularDart: Namespace of route names hierarchical too? AngularDart: Namespace of route names hierarchical too? dart dart

AngularDart: Namespace of route names hierarchical too?

It's required that the route names are unique for all direct children of a given parent.


foo   bar   bazqux  foo     bar     baz

Not OK:

foo   bar   bar

In general it's recommended to have unique route names throughout, for better readability, although it's not a requirement.

When referencing a route, one must specify the full path of the route from the root, or provide a relative route anchor router.go('foo', parameters: {}, startingFrom: bar)

One place where non-unique route names can cause issues is with query parameters, as query parameters are prefixed with the route name (not the full path), and can cause leaking of values between routes with the same name (/foo?foo.param1=value). That said, query parameter support is a work-in-progress, so things might change.