AngularDart ng-repeat in tables? AngularDart ng-repeat in tables? dart dart

AngularDart ng-repeat in tables?

Only table tags (td, th, tr, tbody...) inside of <table> tag are shown, you should add ng-repeat to <tr>

If you use angular1.2 or higher you can use ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end tags:


<table ng-controller="apiCtrl">    <tr ng-repeat-start="item in foo" ng-init="first=item[0]">        <td>first: {{ first }}</td>    </tr>    <tr ng-repeat-end ng-init="last = item[1]">        <td>last: {{ last }}</td>    </tr></table>


function apiCtrl($scope) {    $ = [        ['one', 'uno'],        ['two', 'dos'],        ['three', 'tres']    ];}

Here is JSfiddle

Here is fiddle with nested lists

This question is really old and AngularDart has changed a lot in the meantime. We can use the <ng-container> tag to apply all kinds of directives to a group of tags which are to be repeated or put under an *ngIf and so forth. The <ng-container> tag will not appear in the DOM output, but its contents will be there and affected by the specified directive.

<table>    <ng-container *ngFor="let row of matrix">        <tr>            <ng-container *ngFor="let value of row">                <td>{{value}}</td>            </ng-container>        <tr>    </ng-container></table>

When your component.dart has:

List<List<int>> get matrix => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];