Can AngularDart route directly to a component? Can AngularDart route directly to a component? dart dart

Can AngularDart route directly to a component?

This seems to be directly supported now


You can route to an inline template (viewHtml):

views.configure({  'foo': ngRoute(      path: '/foo',      viewHtml: '<foo-component></foo-component>')});

I wanted to ask the same question, but you were the first! I found a solution, probably not the best one, but at least it works.

I created one html for all routes:



and of course a component dynamic-view, which takes actual component tag name from the route provider and dynamically adds to the DOM using the technique described here: How to add a component programatically in Angular.Dart?




@NgComponent(    selector: 'dynamic-view',    templateUrl: 'view/dynamic_view.html')class DynamicView implements NgShadowRootAware {  Compiler compiler;  Injector injector;  String elementName;  DynamicView(this.compiler, this.injector, RouteProvider provider) {      elementName = provider.parameters["elementName"];  }  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {    DivElement inner = shadowRoot.querySelector("div");    inner.appendHtml("<$elementName></$elementName>");        BlockFactory template = compiler(inner.nodes);    var block = template(injector);    inner.replaceWith(block.elements[0]);   }}

Now the router. The element name must be passed somehow to the RouteProvider. I was inspired by this post: Verifying route preconditions prior to loading controller

class DynamicViewFactory {  ViewFactory viewFactory;  DynamicViewFactory(this.viewFactory);  call(String elementName) {     return (RouteEvent event) {       event.parameters["elementName"] = elementName;       viewFactory("view/dyn_view.html")(event);     };  }}class MyRouteInitializer implements RouteInitializer {  init(Router router, ViewFactory view) {    DynamicViewFactory dynView = new DynamicViewFactory(view);    router.root      ..addRoute(          name: 'route1',          path: '/a/:b',          enter: dynView('componentA'))      ..addRoute(          name: 'route2',          path: '/b/:c',          enter: dynView('componentB'));  }}

The above code is slightly modified from what actually I use, so it can have some small bugs, but the general idea is the same.

Hope that helps!