Can we check the device to be smartphone or tablet in Flutter? Can we check the device to be smartphone or tablet in Flutter? dart dart

Can we check the device to be smartphone or tablet in Flutter?

// The equivalent of the "smallestWidth" qualifier on Android.var shortestSide = MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide;// Determine if we should use mobile layout or not, 600 here is// a common breakpoint for a typical 7-inch bool useMobileLayout = shortestSide < 600;

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Thanks @Sergi

You can use this if you don't have an access to BuildContext. I took it out from sdk/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart:1252.

  String getDeviceType() {    final data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance.window);    return data.size.shortestSide < 600 ? 'phone' :'tablet';  }

One of the ways is calculated diagonal for screen resolution.

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';import 'dart:math';class TabletDetector {  // iPhone 6S   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 375.0x667.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 750.0x1334.0  //       |_ diagonal: 765.1888655750291  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 667.0x375.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1334.0x750.0  //       |_ diagonal: 765.1888655750291  // iPhone X   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 375.0x812.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 1125.0x2436.0  //       |_ diagonal: 894.4098613052072  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 812.0x375.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 2436.0x1125.0  //       |_ diagonal: 894.4098613052072  // iPhone XS Max   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 414.0x896.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 1242.0x2688.0  //       |_ diagonal: 987.0217829409845  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 896.0x414.0, pixelRatio: 3.0, pixels: 2688.0x1242.0  //       |_ diagonal: 987.0217829409845  // iPad Pro (9.7-inch)   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 768.0x1024.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1536.0x2048.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1280.0  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 1024.0x768.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2048.0x1536.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1280.0  // iPad Pro (10.5-inch)   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 834.0x1112.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 1668.0x2224.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1390.0  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 1112.0x834.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2224.0x1668.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1390.0  // iPad Pro (12.9-inch)   // |_ [portrait]  //    |_ size: 1024.0x1366.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2048.0x2732.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1707.2000468603555  // |_ [horizontal]  //    |_ size: 1366.0x1024.0, pixelRatio: 2.0, pixels: 2732.0x2048.0  //       |_ diagonal: 1707.2000468603555  static bool isTablet(MediaQueryData query) {    var size = query.size;    var diagonal = sqrt(      (size.width * size.width) +       (size.height * size.height)    );    /*    print(      'size: ${size.width}x${size.height}\n'      'pixelRatio: ${query.devicePixelRatio}\n'      'pixels: ${size.width * query.devicePixelRatio}x${size.height * query.devicePixelRatio}\n'      'diagonal: $diagonal'    );    */    var isTablet = diagonal > 1100.0;    return isTablet;  }}