Can't figure out how to load yaml document in Dart Can't figure out how to load yaml document in Dart dart dart

Can't figure out how to load yaml document in Dart

import "dart:io";import "package:yaml/yaml.dart";main() {  File file = new File('pubspec.yaml');  String yamlString = file.readAsStringSync();  Map yaml = loadYaml(yamlString);}


Map loadYamlFileSync(String path) {  File file = new File(path);  if (file?.existsSync() == true) {    return loadYaml(file.readAsStringSync());  }  return null;}Future<Map> loadYamlFile(String path) async{  File file = new File(path);  if ((await file?.exists()) == true) {    String content = await file.readAsString();    return loadYaml(content);  }  return null;}main(List<String> args){  print(loadYamlFileSync("pubspec.yaml"));}

Check the documentation pages for the Yaml package.

loadYamlDocument() returns a YamlDocument which is a 'heavyweight' class that gives you access to all the features of a Yaml document.

You probably want to use loadYaml, which in most cases is going to return a Map. The description says that the actual implementation of the map is a YamlMap (the Yaml package's implementation of a Map, that they presumably need to use instead of a HashMap for some technical reason).