close listener or listener in HttpRequest close listener or listener in HttpRequest dart dart

close listener or listener in HttpRequest

You can add event handlers to the HttpClientConnection and to the response/requests data stream. Like this:

var conn = httpClient.get(host, port, path);conn.onResponse = (HttpClientResponse response) {  if(response.statusCode == 200) {    StringInputStream stream = new StringInputStream(response.inputStream);    StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();    stream.onData = () => body.add(;    stream.onClosed = () {      // do something when its closed    };  }};

I haven't tried this, but the best I can think of is to use the inputStream:

request.inputStread.onClosed((_) => timer.cancel());

I agree with Lars though, even if that works it should be easier to find and more explicit. Might want to file a bug.